Since crimes are sometimes reported well after they are committed, objects created
with cs_collapse
often contain crimes that occurred in prior years. The cs_combine
function ensures that objects contain only data for a given year, with the ability to add in
crimes reported for the given year in later years.
cs_combine(type = "year", date, ...)
type | "year" is the only valid input currently; year to date functionality is planned for a later update |
date | For |
... | An unquoted list of objects |
A tibble containing a selection of combined crime data for a given time period.
When applied to a single year's worth of data, cs_combine
will subset out
any crimes that occured in a year other than the one given for the date
When applied to a range of objects, such as objects for 2017 and 2018, each object will be
subset to identify crimes that occured in the year given for the date
argument. This
creates a more complete accounting of crime in a given year since it adds in crimes reported
in subsequent years to the object. At the same time, crimes that occured prior to the given
year will also be subset out to ensure the resulting object only contains crimes
that occured in that given year.
# load example year-list objects load(system.file("testdata", "yearList17.rda", package = "compstatr", mustWork = TRUE)) load(system.file("testdata", "yearList18.rda", package = "compstatr", mustWork = TRUE)) # validate cs_validate(yearList17, year = 2017)#> [1] FALSE#> [1] TRUE# standaridze May for the 2017 object, which has 26 variables yearList17 <- cs_standardize(yearList17, month = "May", config = 26) # validate again to confirm fix cs_validate(yearList17, year = 2017)#> [1] TRUE# collapse now that the data are valid crimeReports17 <- cs_collapse(yearList17) crimeReports18 <- cs_collapse(yearList18) # combine to add all sample 2017 crimes reported in 2018 to a single 2017 object # and remove from our 2017 object all sample crimes reported in 2017 that occured prior # to that year crime17 <- cs_combine(type = "year", date = 2017, crimeReports17, crimeReports18)