This function takes a year-list containing individual tibbles - one per month - that have been validated and collapses them into a single tibble.
.data | A list containing monthly crime data |
A tibble containing all crime data in a given year-list object.
applies common sense variable classes to a number
of variables. This is motivated by issues that originate with SLMPD .csv
files. When they are imported, the readr package sometimes applies
the incorrect variable classes because of formatting issues in the tables.
Since the tables have inconsistent variable names and numbers of variables,
all variables are imported as chr
data. During cs_collapse
execution, the following changes are made:
Converted to int
Converted to int
Converted to int
Converted to int
Converted to int
Converted to int
Converted to dbl
Converted to dbl
# load example year-list object load(system.file("testdata", "yearList17.rda", package = "compstatr", mustWork = TRUE)) # validate cs_validate(yearList17, year = 2017)#> [1] FALSE# standaridze May, which has 26 variables yearList17 <- cs_standardize(yearList17, month = "May", config = 26) # validate again to confirm fix cs_validate(yearList17, year = 2017)#> [1] TRUE# collapse now that the data are valid crimeReports17 <- cs_collapse(yearList17)