compstatr 0.2.1 Unreleased

  • address bug where categorize and filter functions failed when the var argument was not an integer variable
  • address testing rules related to epsg values in new sf release
  • ensure that upcoming changes with dplyr and tibble do not impact package

compstatr 0.2.0 2019-08-07

  • add functionality for directly scraping crime data into R:
    • add cs_last_update - checks date of last data release by SLMPD
    • add cs_create_index - creates a full tibble of available month tables
    • add cs_get_data - downloads a month or year worth of crime tables
    • There is one breaking change for users - to enable these functions, all variable names are standardized into snake_case at import. This will impact code that has been written using a prior version of compstatr.
  • update README and index.Rmd with “What’s New?” sections

compstatr 0.1.1 2019-04-24

  • initial CRAN submission
  • add Zenodo release badge to README
  • update installation instructions on README and on the pkgdown site
  • add
  • in response to initial feedback from Matthias Sterrer (CRAN):
  • in response to additional feedback from Swetlana Herbrandt (CRAN):
    • added a link to the DESCRIPTION file to the SLMPD data source
    • ensured that the examples in example.R and create.R read from and write to a temporary directory
  • add a function cs_address() to facilitate concatenation of street addresses prior to geocoding

compstatr 0.1.0 Unreleased

  • Added a file to track changes to the package.
  • Initial package development including package infrastructure, functions, and sample data