An example data set containing CSB calls in St. Louis, Missouri during the first week of January, 2018.
A tibble with 1554 rows and 17 variables:
system generated unique request identifier
date and time the request was initiated
address of the request
A = Parcel, B = Intersection
method used by citizen to report issue (Phone, Web, Twitter, etc)
City of St. Louis Neighborhood number (1-79)
City of St. Louis Ward number (1-28)
type of report
same as problemcode OR slightly more specific
city division responsible for completing the request
status of the request
date of investigation-date that work was done, may differ from closing date because of crews using paper copies of requests
date and time the request was closed
date by which city division should have initial inspection complete, auto-populated based on service level agreements
indicates a duplicate, cancelled or entered in error request
map coordinate, X-coordinate
map coordinate, Y-coordinate
St. Louis Citizens' Service Bureau
str(january_2018)#> Classes ‘tbl_df’, ‘tbl’ and 'data.frame': 1554 obs. of 17 variables: #> $ requestid : num 1049265 1049265 1049266 1049267 1049268 ... #> $ datetimeinit : POSIXct, format: "2018-01-01 00:48:30" "2018-01-01 00:48:30" ... #> $ probaddress : chr "75 WILLMORE RD" "75 WILLMORE RD" "6739 VERMONT AVE" "5444 ITASKA ST" ... #> $ probaddtype : chr "A" "A" "A" "A" ... #> $ callertype : chr "WEB" "WEB" "WEB" "WEB" ... #> $ neighborhood : num 8 8 1 7 60 42 19 25 25 79 ... #> $ ward : num 16 16 11 16 5 24 20 8 6 2 ... #> $ problemcode : chr "WTR-COMING-UP" "WTR-COMING-UP" "NOWATER" "NOWATER" ... #> $ description : chr "WTR-COMING-UP" "WTR-COMING-UP" "NOWATER (due to main break, etc.)" "NOWATER (due to main break, etc.)" ... #> $ submitto : chr "WATER DIV," "WATER DIV," "WATER DIV," "WATER DIV," ... #> $ status : chr "CLOSED" "CLOSED" "Disptch" "CLOSED" ... #> $ dateinvtdone : POSIXct, format: "2018-01-05 16:22:19" "2018-01-05 16:22:19" ... #> $ datetimeclosed : POSIXct, format: "2018-01-05 16:22:21" "2018-01-05 16:22:21" ... #> $ prjcompletedate: POSIXct, format: "2018-01-15" "2018-01-15" ... #> $ datecancelled : POSIXct, format: NA NA ... #> $ srx : num 875855 875855 889805 881255 904418 ... #> $ sry : num 998435 998435 991410 1001625 1023278 ... #> - attr(*, "spec")= #> .. cols( #> .. requestid = col_double(), #> .. datetimeinit = col_datetime(format = ""), #> .. probaddress = col_character(), #> .. probaddtype = col_character(), #> .. callertype = col_character(), #> .. neighborhood = col_double(), #> .. ward = col_double(), #> .. problemcode = col_character(), #> .. description = col_character(), #> .. submitto = col_character(), #> .. status = col_character(), #> .. dateinvtdone = col_datetime(format = ""), #> .. datetimeclosed = col_datetime(format = ""), #> .. prjcompletedate = col_datetime(format = ""), #> .. datecancelled = col_datetime(format = ""), #> .. srx = col_double(), #> .. sry = col_double() #> .. )head(january_2018)#> # A tibble: 6 x 17 #> requestid datetimeinit probaddress probaddtype callertype neighborhood #> <dbl> <dttm> <chr> <chr> <chr> <dbl> #> 1 1049265 2018-01-01 00:48:30 75 WILLMOR… A WEB 8 #> 2 1049265 2018-01-01 00:48:30 75 WILLMOR… A WEB 8 #> 3 1049266 2018-01-01 05:29:06 6739 VERMO… A WEB 1 #> 4 1049267 2018-01-01 08:53:07 5444 ITASK… A WEB 7 #> 5 1049268 2018-01-01 09:13:22 CASS AVE &… B PHONE 60 #> 6 1049269 2018-01-01 10:12:26 6441 LLOYD… A WEB 42 #> # … with 11 more variables: ward <dbl>, problemcode <chr>, description <chr>, #> # submitto <chr>, status <chr>, dateinvtdone <dttm>, datetimeclosed <dttm>, #> # prjcompletedate <dttm>, datecancelled <dttm>, srx <dbl>, sry <dbl>