The Missouri Attorney General’s Office publishes annual vehicle stop reports. These include agency, county, and state level data on traffic stops conducted by police departments in Missouri, and can be used to track disparities in how these departments perform their duties. Unfortunately the data are not published in a machine readable format. Rather, they are published on tables embedded in the AG’s website. movsr
provides functions for scraping these tables and reformatting their contents.
The web scraping tool used, RSelenium
, performs best when Docker is used for headless browsing. Directions are provided on Docker’s website for both macOS and Windows.
Once Docker is installed, a headless browser needs to be pulled and set-up. The selenium project provides a number of options, but Firefox appears to be the best:
In order to download tables from the AG’s website, we use Docker as a “headless browser” to pull up the relevant pages (via RSelenium
) on the website and then scrape them using rvest
(this happens within the movsr
Once Docker is installed and started, the following bash command can be used to get a headless browser running on macOS:
to the BrowserWith a headless browser running, the RSelenium
package is used to connect to it. First, we need to load the RSelenium
Next, we need to instruct RSelenium
to connect to the port we’ve opened using Docker using the remoteDriver()
Finally, we need to open that connection with remDr$open()
#> [1] "Connecting to remote server"
#> $acceptInsecureCerts
#> [1] FALSE
#> $browserName
#> [1] "firefox"
#> $browserVersion
#> [1] "66.0.3"
#> $`moz:accessibilityChecks`
#> [1] FALSE
#> $`moz:geckodriverVersion`
#> [1] "0.24.0"
#> $`moz:headless`
#> [1] FALSE
#> $`moz:processID`
#> [1] 51
#> $`moz:profile`
#> [1] "/tmp/rust_mozprofile.Z0YA0KVLIC9G"
#> $`moz:shutdownTimeout`
#> [1] 60000
#> $`moz:useNonSpecCompliantPointerOrigin`
#> [1] FALSE
#> $`moz:webdriverClick`
#> [1] TRUE
#> $pageLoadStrategy
#> [1] "normal"
#> $platformName
#> [1] "linux"
#> $platformVersion
#> [1] "4.9.87-linuxkit-aufs"
#> $rotatable
#> [1] FALSE
#> $setWindowRect
#> [1] TRUE
#> $strictFileInteractability
#> [1] FALSE
#> $timeouts
#> $timeouts$implicit
#> [1] 0
#> $timeouts$pageLoad
#> [1] 300000
#> $timeouts$script
#> [1] 30000
#> $unhandledPromptBehavior
#> [1] "dismiss and notify"
#> $webdriver.remote.sessionid
#> [1] "9de4421f-9b2e-41cd-86c5-b26d23d00f0f"
#> $id
#> [1] "9de4421f-9b2e-41cd-86c5-b26d23d00f0f"
For details on using RSelenium
on other operating systems with Docker, see the relevant vignette on the RSelenium
package website.
With the connection open, we can begin scraping using movsr
functions. For example, if we wanted to pull traffic stop counts for the City of St. Louis, we can use mv_get_agency()
# scrape table
slmpd_stops <- mv_get_agency(browser = remDr, agency = 587, statistic = "Stops", pause = 1)
#> # A tibble: 6 x 4
#> agency cat year value
#> <chr> <chr> <chr> <int>
#> 1 St. Louis City Asian 2000 148
#> 2 St. Louis City Asian 2001 0
#> 3 St. Louis City Asian 2002 441
#> 4 St. Louis City Asian 2003 412
#> 5 St. Louis City Asian 2004 254
#> 6 St. Louis City Asian 2005 488
The mv_get_agency()
function returns tidy data in “long” format. The "Stops"
data returned are the number of stops conducted for each year by race. To convert these into proportions of the total number of stops, we can use mv_reformat()
# reformat table
slmpd_stops <- mv_reformat(slmpd_stops, statistic = "Stops", format = "prop")
# preview table
#> # A tibble: 6 x 4
#> agency year cat value
#> <chr> <chr> <chr> <dbl>
#> 1 St. Louis City 2000 Asian 0.0130
#> 2 St. Louis City 2001 Asian 0
#> 3 St. Louis City 2002 Asian 0.0117
#> 4 St. Louis City 2003 Asian 0.0127
#> 5 St. Louis City 2004 Asian 0.0106
#> 6 St. Louis City 2005 Asian 0.00903
Using proportions or percentage values gives us the proper context for understanding if 441 stops of Asian drivers in 2002 is a large or small number relative to the total number of stops made that year.
With a data set of proportions created, we can plot the trends in traffic stops by race using ggplot2
# load dependencies
# create plot
ggplot(data = slmpd_stops, mapping = aes(x = as.numeric(year), y = value, color = cat)) +
geom_line(size = 1.5) +
scale_colour_brewer(palette = "Dark2", name = "Race") +
title = "Racial Breakdown of Traffic Stops",
subtitle = "St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department",
x = "Year",
y = "Proportion of Total Stops",
caption = "Plot by Christopher Prener, Ph.D.\nData via the Missouri Attorney General's Office"
If you want to create a cross-sectional data set, use the mv_batch_agency()
function to scrape, reformat, and subset all in one call. This can be fed to the purrr
package’s map_df()
function along with a vector of police department identification numbers. These numbers can be obtained from the individual agency pages on the annual vehicle stop reports.
The number at the end of the URL is the identification number. For example, the URL for the Jefferson City Police Department is:
The identification number would therefore be 266. If we wanted to download disparity data for Cole County (home of the state capital, Jefferson City), we would need create a vector with the relevant identification numbers:
Only the Cole County Sheriff’s Department and the Jefferson City Police Department reported stops in 2017, and so we’ll limit our vector to those departments.
Next, we create our pipeline with purrr
and dplyr
# load dependencies
# create cross-sectional data set
coleCounty %>%
map_df(~ mv_batch_agency(browser = remDr, agency = .x, statistic = "Disparity", format = "index",
category = "Black", year = 2017, pause = 1)) %>%
rename(disp = value) -> coleCountyDisp
A full example of this workflow, including combining multiple measures into a single data set, can be found at the bottom of the 2017 vehicle stops analysis article.